How to get there

Below you will find alternatives routes to TusenFryd.

By car

The distance from Oslo city centre to TusenFryd is approx. 20 km. The distance from Moss is approx. 30 km. Follow the signs to TusenFryd from the E6/E18 exit in Vinterbro.

Parking is NOK 80 per car.
Information about parking options can be found here..

If you are using a GPS, use the following address:
Fryds vei 25, 1407 Vinterbro.

By train

The nearest train station is Ski. If you plan to get there by train, we recommend you to look up the train schedule on You must take the 521 from Ski terminal to TusenFryd. You can also get on the 520 from Ski terminal and transfer to the 500 towards Oslo by Sjøskogen.

By bus

By bus from Oslo

Route 505 from Oslo bus terminal (platform B3) towards TusenFryd.

By bus from Ski

Route 521 from Ski terminal to TusenFryd. You can also get on the 520 from Ski terminal and transfer to the 505 towards Oslo by Sjøskogen.

The best rate from

NOK 519

NOK 489